Primetals Technology Japan (World No 2. steelmaking machine manufacture) would like to have an interview on the spot with all natural science majored students who would like to stay and work in Japan.
イベント名 Event Name |
日時 Date Time |
2020年03月21日(土)企業ブース13:00~16:30(受付開始12時00分) Boothes open on March 21, 2020(Sat.) from 13:00~16:30 Reception for participants starts at 12:00. |
来場対象者 Target participants |
大学・大学院を卒業または卒業予定の方。 母国で大学を卒業された方も大歓迎 ※2020年秋卒、2021年卒の方、来場可能 International students, undergraduates and post graduates New graduates or graduating in 2020, 2021(estimasted) Students graduated from universities in home country and now studying at Japanese schools in Japan are also welcome! |
会場 place |
パソナグループ本部 Place:Pasona Group Head Office |
所在地 Address |
東京都千代田区大手町2-6-2 Tokyo, Chiyoda-ku Otemachi 2-6-2 |
当日の持ち物 Materials to bring |
筆記用具、参加証(参加する企業ブース及び受付分) Writing utensils ・Tickets (ID print) are required for reception and the number of companies you are attending |
出展企業数 Companies |
企業ブース30社予定 就職活動セミナーあり Participating companies: 30 (estimated) and job-hunting seminars. |
JOB博 企業ブースコーナー Company Booths
積極的に外国籍人材を積極的に採用する参加企業の採用担当者が各ブース内で会社説明会を実施します。採用企業の事業内容や求める人物像といったお話や説明会以降の選考ステップの説明が受けられます。Participating companies will individually conduct company information sessions inside their booths. These sessions will include information about the company as well as guidance for the selection-process.
〒100-8228 東京都千代田区大手町2-6-2
東京メトロ:東西線 「大手町駅」B8a出口 銀座線「日本橋駅」A1出口、半蔵門線「三越前駅」B2出口
2-6-2,Otemachi,Chiyoda-ku Tokyo
JR:Tokyo Station Exit Nihonbashi(Walk 3mins)Tokyo Metro: Otemachi Station Exit B8 ,Nihombashi Station Exit A1 or Mitsukoshimae Station Exit B2